Before we start, I thought we'd get to know each other a little better. There are many things about me 'to know but the first thing I will share is the things that are short in my life.My height for one is short, my patience for another. My will power is often short lived as is my attention span. My fingernails are short and the shortness of my skirts catch many an eye. I am short on time and more often than not short of coin. My grammar falls short of the mark as does my maths, the time spent on housework is kept short and I specialise is baking shortbread.Do you get the picture?
Good, now that is out of the way I wont feel so bad in saying, today will be a shorty, which suits me just fine.
Today's MadLib will blossom from Kate Grenville's 'The Writing Book'
The writing I like this morning is Nicholas Sparks 'The Notebook'. The line is -
'Who am I? And how, I wonder, will this story end?'
I particularly feel this line, the opening line of the novel, suits Jax down to a tea.
'Who am I? And how, I wonder, will this story end?'
'I beg your pardon?'
_________ Jax looked up from her _______ in the ________. The sun blazed behind Frank's head, throwing his _____ up the embankment making him appear like a _______. Jax stifled her giggle, Franks face was a________but the tone of his voice _______. 'Sorry.' Jax mumbled.

Frank took a calming breath and started pacing, a sure sign he wanted to tell her something of importance but couldn't figure out how. Jax waited. Frank paced. This went on for sometime. Jax soon got bored and
started fidgeting. She picked at the quick on her nail. It tore away from her chewed fingernail with a hot painful sting. '____!' She sucked madly on her finger as Frank stopped short again.
'Don't use that language Jax. It's not ladylike.'
'Oh what, and strangling a double agent with my _________ is?'
Frank sighed. 'I know how you must be feeling. It's not nice the things we have to do...'
'That's an understatement!'
'Okay, you're angry. I get that. This is not what you signed up for. I get that too,' he squatted bedside her and took her face in his hands, 'I'm sorry it has come to this.'
'Hrumph' Jax turned her head away, shrugging him off. The funny had left the dingy hut and depression waltzed back in. Jax tried to shut out the gloomy, sad cloud but it swallowed her whole.
'Now is not the time to give up.' He pulled her face back forcing her to meet his eye, 'the story is not nearly over.'
'You don't get it Frank.'Jax pushed him away and stood up, 'it's pointless. I will never find my father!'
'Your father?'
'Yes! That's why I joined your stupid little mission impossible. I don't care about politics, I'm 17 for Pete's sake! What do I care who runs the country, they're all ego maniac _________ anyway. I just wanted to find my dad. I have searched this country high and low, I have double checked your stupid list of Agents, I have rescued half of them, lost some of them, seen two of them killed and now I have killed one! And not a damn one fits my mum's description!'
'Your mum told you what he looked like?' Frank paled at her attack and stepped back.
'What? No she didn't tell me what he looked like, if she had this would be a whole lot easier wouldn't it?'
The colour drained back into Franks' face, 'What did she tell you then?'
'Nothing! That's the problem. All I know is he was a Agent working for a top secret government agency in the early 90's. He met her in the city in 92, they fell in love, she fell pregnant and he ran like hell.'
'Oh right. And now you're looking for him?'
'Duh!'Jax rolled her eyes.
'Well then,' Frank cleared his throat and relaxed, 'I can assure you, none of the men on that list were in the city in 92.'
'Then who the fuck am I?'
Once again we will be exploring the character Jax from my WIP @jax #theinceptionofchaos
*first draft
**jax excerpts may or may not appear in chronological order and may or may not make the final cut.
copyright 2010, TBell
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