get the voices out of your head
and the
words on the page.
a weekly exercise in just writing.
we all know how it goes-
you have planned a few quite hours to sit behind the computer
or with pen in hand and paper balanced precariously on knee
(or laid flat on smooth table surface if you are more sensible than me)
and you have a purpose
you wish to start that dastardly novel that keeps you awake a night
or a short story to entertain the masses,
a poem perhaps?
but nothing comes...
where did all those great ideas go?
where have all your wicked cool characters disappeared too?
they've all gone to a posh fancy hotel for a quick bet on the races and an expensive lunch, that's where!
aims to help you collar those wayward characters,
pilfer their winnings and
drag them back home again
to be immortalized as
words on the page.
Once a week (probably Thursday) i will post
a writing exercise
procured from a writing book
(currently Kate Grenville's 'The Writing Book'
between 1pm and 3pm (AEST)
i will sit down for two hours
at 3pm I will post my success
i invite you to join me...
post the link to your
words on the page
in the comments section
and i will be sure to comment
how many
did you reach?
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