[Fiction] Friday Challenge #200 for April 8th, 2011
Use this phrase “Looks can be deceiving” as your prompt of theme.
The Character
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Chelsea looks like a young Reece Witherspoon |
This week I will be exploring the character Chelsea, the protagonist from Book 3 of The Silken Threads series.
*(still bandying about ideas for individual book names)
The Flash
"It's not what it looks like.""Uh-huh." Dario nodded.
"What? It's not! Looks can be deceiving."
Dario smirked, "Sure."
Chelsea tugged the scarf tighter around her throat and grinned, "Besides, I least I got lucky at the party. What did you spend the night doing huh? Running around drooling after my sister no doubt."
Dario blushed, "Drooling yes; your sister - ah nooo!"
The bell rang as Chelsea squealed. Joslin and Angel rushed passed and rolled their eyes.
"Don't be late again Chels, you know Ms Craft has it in for you." Joslin called over her shoulder. Chelsea screwed up her nose and linked arms with Dario. Joslin stopped on the path ahead, "And mum will have a fit!"
"Yeah, yeah." Chelsea and Dario both stuck their tongues out at the older girls and burst into fits of giggles."So do tell, who is the lucky girl then?"
Dario blushed again, "No one, it doesn't matter. Come on or it will be Ms Craft who throws a fit."
"And we don't want to miss that!" they sang together.
At the classroom door Ms Craft caught them in one of her famous death glares, "So nice of you to join us Miss Dell. Mr Tripp, I trust you have your speech prepared?'
"Yes Ms." Dario ducked his head and slipped into his front row seat.
"Yes Ms." Chelsea mimicked as she slid in behind him. "Don't think I've forgotten, at lunch you will tell me who she is or..."
"Or what Miss Dell? If you have so much to say, why don't you collect your paper and come to the front of the room. We would all be delighted to listen to your talk first." The teacher paused for dramatic effect, "You do have it prepared?"
"Ah, well you see Ms, my sister turned 21on the week end see and I sort of didn't get it finished."
"Well you can read what you have then!"
Dario snorted as Chelsea shuffled in her bag for the single sheet of paper she had managed to scribble her ideas on. Friday night was supposed to be a study session where Dario helped her with the stupid speech but it turned out to be a complete right off. After the first joint Dario got in a stupid mood and they started talking about the death again. She was obsessed with death, even more so now that Khai--
"Miss Dell, we haven't got all day."
"Sorry." Chelsea found the note pad and looked at the heading. She swore under her breath and Dario choked on his laughter. "What is this? She hissed.
His shoulders were rocking back and forth with barely contained delight, "It's your speech." He spluttered.
Chelsea kicked Dario in the shin and he yelped. "Yes Ms, I've found it."Chelsea strengthened her shoulders and walked to the front of the classroom. She would just have to read it in the most serious voice she could muster and hope for the best.
At the front of the room the rest of the students looked at her expectantly. For the most part the faces were friendly, excited looking even. They were hoping for a show: for Chelsea to embarrass herself with her ineptitude once again. At the back Chelsea caught a genuinely friendly eye. Faith Grace gave her a grin and nodded encouragingly. Ok, breath Chels, breath. It took a few seconds to steady her breathing and a nervous twitter rippled through the room in anticipation.
"All right, settle down. Now class, although Chelsea is clearly unprepared, remember she is doing you all a favour by going first and I expect you will give her the silence and time she deserves to get through her piece. This is an assessable item; the grades you receive today will go a long way toward determining your final grades next year. I expect you give this series of speeches the respect they deserve." Ms Craft turned to Chelsea, "Now Chelsea, I understand your topic for discussion was The Possibility of an Afterlife?"
"Yes Ms." Chelsea looked at her paper again and flushed. Dario snorted again. I'll kill him later she thought and then deliberately turned away. Although she could still see his shaking frame in her peripheral vision, it was blurred and much easier to ignore. Taking another deep breathe she launched herself into the speech.
"The Night I Died and Went to Heaven."
Dario couldn't contain himself and burst into fits of laughter. The class twittered with him but Chelsea ploughed on. After a couple of seconds her voice gained strength and she relaxed. The essay wasn't half bad and the class settled in and listened attentively, even Dario shut up and by the time she was finished he had to try hard to not look impressed.
The class broke out in applause and Ms Craft offered her possibly the only genuine smile she would ever offer. "Well done Chelsea, once again you have proved you are more than piggy tails and smiles."
"Thank you Ms." Elated Chelsea slunk low in her seat and silently high fived herself.
Dario twisted in his seat and raised his eyebrow, "What the?"
Chelsea grinned, "I told you looks can be deceiving!"
Ms Craft tapped his desk with her pen, "All right Dario. Let’s see what you have."
Dario gulped and stood up. Chelsea smirked, serves him right for being so smug about the love bite.
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Interesting take. I was curious about what her essay was but I like that she was far more prepared then they gave her credit for. The characters certainly felt like they were in high school, which is a great thing to have with your storyline.
ReplyDeletePublic speaking is terrifying. I love that she pulled it off the way she did. Now I'd love to hear her speech!
ReplyDeleteI'm with Shelli, I want to hear her speech as well :-)
ReplyDeleteLove how many different types of stories these prompts always create.
Good job, but I want to know what they talked about. There would have been so much that she would have left out of the paper. Plus all the stupid things they said because of the joints.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't expecting to read something like this today. Different from what I had expected, but still good. It's nice to remember high school once in a while.
I started a YA novel for NaNo, having not read all that much before, so I'm always interested in well written YA stuff - and this really was. I felt like I was back at school with them. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteI've got a slightly different view from everyone else, I want to know what lead to her speech - I get the impression it was a real event that fitted 'The Night I Died and Went to Heaven.' I want to know more!!!!
Wendy - thanks for the comment and rest assured - I too am interested in her essay. I thought about doing an impromptu bit but it is a major plot point in Chelsea story and will be in the actual book so probably won’t appear on the blog:( sorry. Stay tuned though (she says teasingly).
ReplyDeleteShelli - I'm pleased you picked up on the confidence it took Chelsea to present her talk unprepared, this is the gutsy kind of character trait I am aiming for with her. She is a little soft on the outside but her shell is tough and beneath she is determined and strong.
ReplyDeleteThanks Alannah - I love that everyone is keen to hear Chelsea's speech.
ReplyDeleteMatthew - There is definitely soooo much more that they talked about - and yes, the joints certainly added an element of ludicrous to the discussion. Sorry to be a tease, but the Friday night session and the essay will both appear in the finished novel...
ReplyDeleteHelen - You hit the nail on the head with the title of her speech. Fret not there is plenty more to come.
ReplyDeleteAlso thanks for the kudos on the writing, YA is where I have found my writerly voice and I happy to see others responding to it!
Hey Tanya- you have hit the YA market spot on with these characters - it sounds like a great concept - and I'll really be looking forward to reading more..
ReplyDeletewell done!!
my FF for this week can be found here.
Thanks Annie, will head over to look at yours now :)