Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Blog Post #7 - 6th August, 2009

One of the things that I enjoy most is reading stories. I could lose myself for days in the written word and I often have, more often than not when I really should be doing something else. GUILTY!

One of the other things that occupies my time is my pursuit of a paying job that I love. Writing novels will one day fill part of that void, but meanwhile I have decided to combine both my love of reading and my pursuit of the dream job. I am launching myself as a paid reader!

Manuscript assessments/Manuscript appraisals

Sounds great doesn't it. I get to sit around and indulge in great fiction. Live my fantasy life and get paid to do it. Of course it's not as easy as that.

But none the less, it will be pretty close.

thebookspaces Manuscript Assessment and Appraisal service offers assessment/appraisal on short pieces of writing (2000-5000) for a small fee of $50AUD. This assessment will be in the form of a detailed report aimed at structural editing. Structural considerations will include plot, character development, dramatic tension, theme, voice, pace, point of view, description and dialogue. If the original manuscript assessment/appraisal is satisfactory application can be made for longer novellas/novels.

A manuscript assessment/manuscript appraisal is a great tool to use in the later stages of writing. Once you feel your piece is almost complete but would like an honest, considered and educated opinion before sending it out to agents and publishers (or competitions) consideration from a manuscript assessor/manuscript appraiser is well worth the small fee. A third party assessor can see from fresh eyes the minor (or major) inconsistencies in the writing. See appraisals for more information

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