If I had started a count of how many times I was re -writing my opening scene, I would not be surprised if the numbers were in the hundreds ( well one at least). Why is this proving to be so hard?
The original opening scene, the scene that actually inspired the step from messing about to actually writing the novel, that scene was once my favourite piece of writing ever.
Now it's on the scrap heap under a mountain of rewrites and disgraceful prose!
Why? Because of this little gem of writing advice, that I read once long ago, in a more positive frame of mind.
Advice - 'The first sentence must capture your audience. The first paragraph must draw the reader in. The first page MUST intrigue, make reader thirst for more.' (a favourite author who I right now do not feel like naming because would rather throttle! sometime early 2000)
But wait there's more - 'Don't spell it out, only hint at what you want to write. Show don't tell. Entice without teasing.'
And another little gem - 'All the famous authors have great first lines.'
Very good advice. I agree.
Arrrrrggggghhhhh! (thumping head on keyboard in frustration)
Okay, now that's off my chest back to it
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