Sunday 27 March 2011

How to be the change you want to see in this world.

Mayhem & Madness
Watching the news is like watching the latest apocalyptic horror movie. The recent images coming out of Japan were heartbreaking. Christchurch has barely caught its breath. Queensland is still crying.

All of this and its only March!
No-one can deny that the Almighty One has taken up a mighty pen and is re-writing the rule book in a mighty fashion. This Earth we live on is unhappy and quite clearly fed up. The Earth beneath our feet is screaming to be heard.

Are we too busy finding the next big thing to listen?
This is an era of entertainment overload. We live to be entertained. We can't stand boredom. There is an worldwide epidemic of Entertainment- itis. To capture our attention the Earth has taken our obsession with entertainment to a whole new level. Now we sit glued to our television, computer, iPad and watch in horror as destruction reigns.

But what next?
What more can we do at this late stage?

As writers we have the perfect medium.
Independent publishers are compiling disaster relief anthologies, writers groups are organising auctions, and well known authors donating in kind. All this has got me thinking about the purpose of fiction writers on this earth.
Who is writing?
What are they writing about?
When is the right time to write about this?
Where are the stories?
Why should we write them?
Fiction is many things: it can be insightful; it can be humorous; it can be scary; it can be sad, happy or mad; but first and foremost it is entertaining. In times of crisis people turn to their coping mechanism.
I have always turned to books.
Some turn to television.
Others film.
Or music.
In other words  ENTERTAINMENT!

A contribution to the solution.
Are you ready for it? Hold on, it's a biggie. So...
There are plenty of people who read, right? And there are plenty of people in crisis, yeah?
Fiction can deal with the big issues, yes? Fiction can make you re-think long held beliefs, agreed? Stories are Entertaining? YES!

Alright then - what are you waiting for?
Tell an entertaining story that will capture the worlds imagination and BE THE CHANGE.

As for me:
Apocalyptic and post apocalyptic narratives; utopian dreams and  dystopian nightmares; supernatural themes and inspirational objectives always take centre stage.
My first novel is a inspirational utopian dream combining supernatural themes.
My second novel is an post apocalyptic dystopian nightmare of epic proportions.
I wonder - can I bring the two styles together for my third?

What about you?
Do you know of an author that is changing the world, one story at a time?
Could you?

a series of post apocalyptic ravings from a newly freed mother and certifiably mad writer.

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