Monday 27 September 2010

[Fiction] Friday Challenge #176 for Oct 8th, 2010

Prompt -The Main Character is a time traveler. He/She arrives at a destination but not all is as expected….

* I have written an open ending for the CYOA Time Warden series,  see my contribution below...


image sourced from

Selene landed awkwardly on top of Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s sarcophagus. She was not surprised that Bridie and May failed to appear. She could have guessed this would happen. She landed herself in a set up. Quickly she got to her feet and scouted the deserted tomb. Everything was just as she’d left it. A bead of sweat trickled down her forehead as she reached into the Emperor’s robes to secure the Luna doll. The doll came out easily and Selene jumped over the river of mercury to the floor. Perspiration poured off her and pooled at her feet. She reached for the door but it burned red at her touch. She looked around; condensation dripped from the ceiling and streamed down the walls. In her haste she hadn’t noticed the normally darkened chamber glowed red with heat. She concentrated and tried slipping into a time crack. The vision blurred and she swayed on her feet: the heat made it impossible to focus. Time was running out and she panicked. Without warning the floor abruptly dropped out from beneath her and the world fragmented into a thousand different realities. Selene struggled to get a grip. The time continuum whirl pooled at an astronomical rate. A steep furious funnel swirled and sucked the Emperor’s tomb into non-existence. She tried to wrap her mind firmly around any one solid reality, but they slipped by too fast and she lost her touch. The funnel opening raced toward her and she could hear Cate’s laughter cut through the chaos as the vortex swallowed her. Imploding in an instant the lights timed out. Game over.

Selene kicked the machine hard, twice for effect.

Cate giggled, 'It's only a game.'

Selene turned to Cate. ‘Yeah just a game. You didn't say that when you lost!'

Cate pouted and Selene laughed, 'Come on, it’s time to go anyway.’

Cate clapped her hands, ‘Yay let’s get some ice-cream!’

‘Mum will be here soon.’

Cate's face fell, ‘But you promised...’

‘Ok, ok.’ Selene poked her kid sister in the ribs, ‘let’s get some ice-cream.’


How To Play:

1. Check this page for the weekly challenge.

2. Write for a minimum of 5 minutes… AND THEN KEEP GOING!

3. NO editing.

4. On Friday, post it to your blog.

5. Go back to Write Anything and leave the link to your post using the Link generator.

6. Visit other’s posts and leave constructive comments.

7. Use Twitter (with our hashtag of #fictionfriday) or Facebook etc to tell your network about the stories posted up.

8. Go back for more again next week


  1. love it!I was wondering what the sisters were like as kids. This is perfect.

  2. tomara - this ending came to me in the middle of the night last week. I scribbled it in my dream journal at 3am and this is how I deciphered it in the morning!!! Dreams huh, you never know where they'll take ye.

  3. Great surprise ending to the cyoa time warden series. I would feel a little cheated if it all turned out to be a game, though.

  4. Loved it, from the very first line, you got me and kept my attention.

  5. Wow. Powerful description of the game-seemed so real but then I guess that is the point. I was taken by surprise at the end and I love that! Really well done.

  6. Laura- I know what you mean, I was hesitant at first to suggest the game idea, I feel like I cheated myself!!
    Agatha-thanks for the positive vibes
    OOTWB - surprise twists are my favourite!!

  7. You had me laughing with that last line. I can't wait for the CYOA to get published. I have to go finish my endings up today.

  8. Nicely done, and now I'm feeling out of the loop. I'm looking forward to seeing the CYOA published, too, to get the full story.

  9. Love the hungry little fishes in your sidebar. HAHA! I felt a little cheated that it was a game (but am guilty of doing that too by using dreams/nightmares :p).

    Finding that it was a game changed my reading of it (had to read it again). Would have preferred if you tweaked that out a bit more, though the fast pace and action-driven imagery already works quite effectively.

    Enjoyed reading!

    "Perspiration poured off her and pooled at her feet." - my favourite line. :D

  10. This is a great tie in to the CYOA story. Started to scribble one for last week but didn't get it finished. Very playful.
    Adam B @revhappiness
